This year’s school production of Willy Russell’s Our Day Out, set in 1980s Liverpool, will see a talented cast fully recreate the hilarious story of Mrs Kay’s progress class and their infamous day trip to Conwy castle to a soundtrack of early 80s classics.
The pupils have already portrayed their own tortured teenagers in their adaptations of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ for House Arts. Now follow us in the footsteps of Mrs Kay and her fellow teachers Susan and Colin as they try to give their pupils a good day out. They have to battle the unsympathetic Deputy Head Mr Briggs, and the antics of the children at the castle and the zoo.
Our fun-filled production will begin at 7pm and refreshments will be available at the interval.
The cast and production team warmly invite you to join us for a wonderfully nostalgic evening on either Tuesday 5th or Wednesday 6th of July 2022.
Tickets for this event cost £6.00 each.