On Wednesday 2nd October, 4:30pm-7:30pm, we will be holding our annual Meet The Tutor Evening. The event provides parents/ carers with the opportunity to meet their child's form tutor and our pastoral staff.

The role of the Form Tutor has developed as part of our pastoral changes and, as far as possible, they will stay as your child's Form tutor throughout their time at WGHS. This is an important opportunity to develop home-school links and support your child now and into the future. This will not however, be an opportunity to have feedback on your daughter's progress in individual subjects; this will continue to be fed back to you through progress reports and year group parents' evenings.
To meet your child's Form Tutor please book an appointment by visiting: https://wghs.parentseveningsystem.co.uk
During the evening there will also be various workshops and a demonstration of our Parent App.
Please note there is no parking available on site but we have made arrangements with Wolverhampton College and Wolf Mountain to use their parking facilities. Please park courteously and be considerate of our neighbours if parking on streets in the school vicinity.
We look forward to seeing you there.