School Closure in the Event of Adverse Weather
Very bad weather and road conditions may make it advisable to close the school earlier than usual to help girls with difficult journeys to get home, although it would be only under very exceptional circumstances that the school would close significantly early. The school will alert parents to this decision by text message and e-mail via the Schoolcomms electronic service that we have in school. Therefore, please would you kindly ensure that we have a current mobile telephone number and e-mail address so that you will receive this information should we need to make contact with you.
In the event of a school closure while school is in session, all students will be dismissed from school unless parents record in their daughter's School Planner their wish for their daughter to remain in the school building until collected. Therefore, in the event of early closure, it is important that each girl knows exactly what she should do to get home. I should, therefore, be grateful if you would discuss with your daughter, how she is to make her way home in very bad weather, e.g. whether she is to wait to be collected from school, to start the journey home by bus, or to start walking. It is important that you work out together an agreed route that you both know. This detail then needs to be added to your daughter's School Planner and signed by yourself. If your daughter should arrive home earlier than usual, it would be advisable to make arrangements for her to go to a friend or neighbour if there is no one at home, or to let herself into the house if you are happy for her to do so.
In the event of waking up to severe weather conditions the school will send a text message and e-mail via the Schoolcomms electronic service to all parents to notify of a school closure. We will also post this decision on the school website.
The school will endeavour to have announcements made by 7.00am If there is no definite announcement about the school by 7.00am it can be assumed that there has not been a closure and school is open as usual.