Pastoral Care
We believe it is the right of every girl to feel happy and secure. Along with high quality teaching, we are also dedicated to providing excellent pastoral care. Families appreciate the warmth of relationships between teachers, students and their parents, which ensures that your daughter will be known as an individual.
House System
Central to Wolverhampton Girls’ High Schools ethos and traditions is a strong House System.
The school is organised into four houses: Audley, Ferrers, Stafford and Paget. Each House has 8 or 9 forms which comprise of a small number of students from each year group across the 11-18 range.
The House System now provides a platform for students to work together and compete against each other’s houses in cultural, creative, sporting and academic events. Students are able to display their talents, work hard and most importantly, have fun.
Form Tutors
Form tutors are primarily responsible for the pastoral care of students in their form. Students see their form tutors every day during their tutor session and can ask about any uncertainties, however small they may seem. Form tutors take the time to get to know each child individually and discuss with parents any difficulties that may arise.
Our Pastoral Structure
Form tutors work closely with the Heads of House, Assistant Heads of House and Director of Sixth Form who have overall responsibility for the pastoral care of each student within their House. The school also benefits from pastoral support staff who work closely with students to address their particular needs and support their ongoing progress in school.

The Hub
The Hub acts as our pastoral care and support centre within the school. Teaching and non-teaching pastoral staff are based within The Hub for students to access pastoral care and support, when needed, as well as more
day-to-day routine support.
The Hub also provides a main communication channel for parents/carers with school. Parents/Carers are able to access a member of staff who will listen to their queries and concerns, relay the actions they will be taking and include any time scales. Where appropriate the hub also provides the bridge for partnership work between school and parents in supporting students.
School Nurse
Students benefit from a weekly School Nurse Service drop-in-session on a Tuesday lunchtime with our school nurse, Joanne Cotterill. Our School Nurse Service is based at Pendeford Health Centre and can be contact on (01902) 444531. More details of the School Nurse Service can be found at the following website: School Nursing Service | Wolverhampton Information Network
Liaison between Parents and School
Over the course of the year we will communicate with parents in a variety of different ways:
We will email home our weekly E-Bulletin. This document highlights up and coming events and recent achievements, in addition to recent letters home;
Each half term we publish the school newsletter. This is available on the website and sent home by email;
Grade sheets and/or written reports to update you on your daughter’s progress;
Parents’ Evenings
Additional information evenings such as the Meet the Tutor evening, Year 9 choices evening, Higher education evening, presentation events etc…
Text messages;
Hard copies of letters will be sent home for a variety of matters and electronic versions of these are uploaded to the school website.
If at any time there are concerns about your daughter’s progress or well being you can expect members of the pastoral team or teaching staff to contact you. We also encourage parents to contact us should they have any concerns or information they wish to share with the school. The Form Tutor or Subject Teacher would usually be the initial point of contact for parents but Heads of House and Curriculum Leaders can be contacted as necessary. Further details on making contact with school can be found in our Parent information booklet.
Mrs Katharine Warner (Deputy Headteacher – Student Guidance and Support)