School Houses
Central to Wolverhampton Girls’ High Schools ethos and traditions is a strong House System.
The school is organised into four houses: Audley, Ferrers, Stafford and Paget. Each House has 8 or 9 forms which comprise of a small number of students from each year group across the 11-18 range.
The House System now provides a platform for students to work together and compete against each other’s houses in cultural, creative, sporting and academic events. Students are able to display their talents, work hard and most importantly, have fun.
We feel this system will bring a stronger sense of community to our school, helping us achieve the following:
A greater sense of family environment in our school, where everyone is approachable and there are no barriers between the year groups
Peer mentoring naturally occurring as older students talk to younger students
More time for tutors to speak to students as an individual, helping smaller groups of students with a particular issue as opposed to 29 from the same year group at the same time
Increased leadership opportunities to students
Greater opportunity for friendships in other year groups
A growing sense of confidence in younger students due to positive relationships with older tutees.
Stronger bonds with form tutors who oversee the well-being, achievement and development of students for more than typical one or two years
A greater sense of House spirit and competition through sports, arts, quizzes with a greater sense of loyalty and responsibility to the house and other students within it.