Extra Curricular Activities
As well as ensuring academic success, we are serious about having fun and enjoying time at school. This is achieved through providing a wealth of extra curricular activities for students for engage in.
All of our girls are gifted in different ways, we aim to unlock those gifts and help girls to flourish. Helping our girls to develop in the areas that they love is a central part of education at Girls’ High. Whether your daughter is an avid sportswoman, a budding musician, at home on the stage, or all of the above then there are endless opportunities to grow these skills. Whether she loves to dance, paint, draw or debate, she will be supported to develop.
There are an ever growing range of clubs for students to get involved in.
​An endless array of opportunities with girls participating in choirs, orchestras, and bands and over 300 girls enjoying individual or group lessons. Student talents are showcased at the annual Punch and Carols, and numerous Concerts. Musical, dramatic and dance talents are also on display through the regular productions taking place. In recent years these have included, Annie, Bugsy Malone, Alice in Wonderland, and The Wizard of Oz.
There are many opportunities for students to get involved in a range of activities outside the classroom. The PE department offer lunch-time and after school clubs in a wide range of sports: athletics, cheerleading, cross country, dance, kick boxing, gymnastics, fitness and games including badminton, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis. Girls take part in matches and tournaments against other schools locally and regionally. They are also encouraged to take part in City and County teams and beyond. We support students who perform at national level in their chosen sports, working closely with parents to help balance their school work and training commitments.
Alongside this there is a varied programme of other activities including: Chess Club, Choir, Concert Band, Drama, Debating, Fair Trade, Languages, Magistrates’ Mock Trial, String Orchestra, Rock and Pop.
Residential trips feature prominently in school life and most recently include a skiing trip to Italy; a Politics trip to Washington; an bi-annual French Exchange with our partner school College Francois Villon; and expeditions such as Operation Wallacea. In addition day trips supporting the curriculum have recently included: a Year 7 trip to Ludlow; Geography and English trip for Year 9 to Stratford; a visit by Design and Technology students to the Clothes Show and an Art trip to the Tate and National Galleries in London.
As well as activities beyond the classroom, departments arrange a variety of in-house events. Theatre groups come to the school regularly to bring to life Shakespeare or to perform in French and German to enhance the understanding of languages. Citizenship Days are also organised for Year 7 to develop skills of teamwork, communication and co-operation and Year 9 enjoy taking part in an Enterprise Day.