Careers advice for Parents
As parents and carers you have a very important role in supporting your daughter as she makes big decisions linked to her future career. As you have gone through this process, you are in a position where you can act as a facilitator to help your child find the path that suits them best. Whilst you have your own aspirations and ideas for your child’s future it is important to keep in mind that there is a wide variety of options available to your child. Research also indicates that when students feel supported and loved by their parents, they have more confidence in their own ability to research careers and to choose a career that would be interesting and exciting. This is important because studies show that adolescents, who feel competent regarding career decision-making, tend to make more satisfying career choices later in life. (Keller 2004). It is important for parents to give support and encouragement to explore the many options available to find the best career fit.
Things that you can do to support your child:
Read up on relevant post-16 and post-18 options
Attend meetings, including parents’ evenings, to ensure you have a good understanding of your child’s aptitude and interests
Ensure your child takes every opportunity to access enrichment opportunities available to them
Encourage/support your child to gain work experience
Talk to your child about their interest and ideas for their own future
Discuss ‘back-up’ options if predicted results do not happen
If possible introduce your son/daughter to someone currently doing the course/working in the career area
Remember parental advice is invaluable, but school leavers must make their own particular career choices.

Search for alternative options to university as well as sponsored degrees

National apprenticeship service

The university and college admission service offering advice and guidance for courses for those ages 16 and above

Careers information aimed at 16-24 year olds

Career exploration matching tool and job locator.

All other options than full time university courses