The school is supported by various associations.
Parents' Guild
The Parents' Guild exists to organize social events and to raise funds in order to provide additional resources and equipment that are not currently funded from the school's annual budget.
The Guild has funded various projects including a donation of £7,000 towards a new sound system in the main School hall, £2,000 towards equipment for the new Fitness Suite in the PE department, over £2,000 towards a specialist Piano for the Music department and many more valuable contributions to various school departments. In 2011 we provided the Centenary Garden as a centenary gift to the school, costing £12,000, our largest project to date.
Annual events organised by the Guild include fun Quiz Nights, Punch and Carols evenings in December, the Easter Raffle and our annual Summer event in June.
The success of the Guild is entirely down to the support of parents and carers at events throughout the year. Regular information about upcoming events is sent to you via your daughter and in newsletters.
We also organise a Grand Draw. The purpose of which is to raise funds to help update resources for the school library, such as books and computer software. Further information can be found on the 'Grand Draw Information' page.
Parents' Guild meetings take place twice per term - generally a Tuesday - term time only. All parents are welcome to attend and help us to support the school.
To contact the Parents' Guild e-mail parentsguild@wghs.org.uk
Parents' Guild Grand Draw Information
The Parents’ Guild operates the Grand Draw, the proceeds of which help fund the library facilities, including books, periodicals, newspapers, software programs and upgrades to essential computer software. The high academic achievement of the school means the library is always in need of resources reflecting the wide range of subjects taught at the school.
The Grand Draw is similar to a lottery, in which shares are bought for multiples of £12 each, i.e. 2 shares cost £24, 3 shares cost £36 and so on. For each £12 share you will receive one personal Grand Draw Number. These numbers are entered into the draw three times during the year - at Punch and Carols (December), Spring musical event (April) and during the Parents’ Guild Summer event (June).
You only pay one single payment for one year. To reduce administration costs it is preferable that you set up your own Standing Order to buy shares as shown on the Grand Draw form.
At each draw, you will have one or more chances (depending on whether you have invested £12 or more) to win one of six prizes, as follows:- £250, £150, £100, £75, £50 and £25
You can buy as many Grand Draw numbers as you wish at £12 each. Your generous contribution will support your daughter’s education at WGHS.
Old Girls'
The Old Girls' Union exists to help former students keep in regular contact.
A magazine is produced, reunions held and telephone numbers and addresses exchanged towards that purpose. This year a new initiative will offer the opportunity to have news e-mailed to you.
So this is the place to contact your long lost classmates!
If you are a former pupils of the Wolverhampton Girls' High School, you can get copies of the Old Girls' magazine (subscription is just £3.00 per year payable to Wolverhampton Girls' High School OGU) by writing to Mrs. Eirlais Tomkins at the address below.
Contributions for inclusion in the newsletter may be e-mailed via this site or sent by conventional mail to the editor via the address below:
Mrs. Eirlais Tomkins,
WGHS Old Girls' Newsletter,
Wolverhampton Girls' High School,
Tettenhall Road,
West Midlands,
Remember to include the following:
Your name and address.
Telephone number.
E-mail address (if applicable).
Name of your last form teacher and the years you attended the school.
Details of any news for inclusion in the next newsletter.
Whether or not you would like your information to be posted on-line or only shared in the printed newsletter
Old Girls' Supper
Each summer we organise an Old Girls' Supper - an excellent meal washed down with a couple of glasses of wine and reminiscences of school days! The event is held in school on a summer's evening.
What about arranging to meet a few old friends at the Supper? You do not have to be a member of the Union to attend - just a past pupil.
If you want to be included on the annual supper mailing list, please write to the address above.
Please use the below email link to send news and information for the Old Girls Newsletter.
Old Girls' Centenary
Well, we certainly captured a unique moment in time at the WGHS Old Girls' Centenary weekend, 100 years on from the school's opening in July 1911. Old Girls and former members of staff from the 1920s to this year's leavers were represented, which was wonderful, and the glorious weather enabled visitors to enjoy School indoors and out.
Photographs were taken, to make up albums for School, capturing those present at that moment in time. What we hadn't considered was that everyone would want a copy! When the photographer has recovered, and had a holiday, we will discuss how we are to proceed, but we are sure that it will be possible for the photographs to be available. Please be patient and watch this space!
Centenary books are still available, if you know of anyone who would like one. They are obtainable from:
WGHS - Finance Department
Tettenhall Road
The cost is £10 per copy, £12.50 with postage.
Cheques should be made payable to WGHS House Account.
Wolverhampton Girls' High School graciously accepts contributions in isolation or in memory of a person or an event. A tribute card is sent to you acknowledging receipt of a gift to the school. Please note the minimum donation for each card is £50.00, but the amount of your gift will not be disclosed.
Reunion Details
No reunion's are currently been planned, this page will be updated when an event date and location has been established.
Janet Frenzel, now Janet Qureshi wishes to arrange a 50 year reunion this year, she left W.G.H.S in 1963.
Heatley Memorial Loan Training Fund
The Fund was established in December 1977 in memory of Miss Helen Donaldson Heatley, the first Headmistress of the Wolverhampton Girls’ High School. Its purpose is to provide financial assistance, by means of a loan, to past and present pupils of the school, (aged 16 years or over), to ‘advance them in life’ through their professional and business training.
Loans are interest free and repayable either when the recipient is in employment or within five years of completing the training. Repayments can be made as a one-off payment, via a few instalments or by means of a monthly sum over a number of years.

It could be that as an ‘Old Girl’ you are seeking funding opportunities for postgraduate studies or that you wish to make a career change that involves retraining. These would be examples of when you could make an application for a loan from the Fund. Alternatively, as a current student, if there is a genuine financial barrier to you participating in an enrichment course which involves an element of training, the Fund may be able to offer a small grant. In this case, application to the Fund should be made through the Sixth Form Leadership Team.
All requests are confidential.
Loans must be approved by the Trustees of the Fund. A meeting is usually held in July to consider any applications and so these should preferably be made by the first week in June. (An emergency meeting could be convened at any time in the year to consider an application made at another time.) Applications can be sent via email (enquiries@wghs.org.uk) or in writing to Wolverhampton Girls’ High School, Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0BY. Please mark these for the attention of Mrs S Bennett (Administrator of the Heatley Memorial Loan Training Fund).
There is no formal application form but the information that you should include is:
Your name, address and email
When you were at the School and a brief account of your studies/employment since.
What you hope to do next and how the Fund can help.