A Day at School - Timings of the day
The school day consists of five lessons spread across the day from 9:00am - 3:40pm including registration and lunchtime:
A day at Wolverhampton Girls' High School is always a fulfilling day. Read the following accounts of students from different years to get an idea of the variety of life at our school.
Year 7 Student
"Before starting year 7 I was nervous, excited and ever so slightly scared. As the first day approached the scariness of starting a big new school built up more and more each day. Then as I was well in to the morning of the first day I realised that the worried feeling and the scared feeling I had, had flown away and they had now been replaced by happiness and enjoyment."
"I found it quite easy to make friends as I already had a friend from my primary school alongside me. Some people don’t have friends that come with them so they may feel a bit out of their comfort zone. My advice on making friends quickly is to be yourself (I know a lot of people have told you this but it does work, I’m honest). Don’t be shy, just go up to someone and ask them what their name is and ask a few questions to get to know them. At the start of the year teachers- such as Mrs Clarke- will have ‘get to know each other’ sessions, and that really helped me make new friends."
"This year I have done so much. There are lots of things that you can get involved with such as choir, sports, cheerleading and much more, so don’t be scared and hold back, just relax and enjoy yourself. You can start music lessons at school which means you can get involved with concerts, such as ‘punch and carols’ and the ‘spring concert’. To do these concerts you can also be in the choir. Every year the school does a performance called ‘house arts’.Every year group is split in to four houses called Audley, Stafford, Ferrers and Paget.Each house competes against each other by doing individual performances. You don’t have to get involved but it is really fun, I did the dancing in our performance."
"I have enjoyed all the lessons as the teachers make you feel very welcome and at home. The work is not too hard but it is a little bit of challenge. I have really enjoyed doing all the clubs and the lunches are very nice. I have enjoyed becoming more independent.It was hard to begin with but as I became more into a routine for everyday it became easier to be independent."
"Starting ‘Wolverhampton Girls High School’ has been one whole new experience and has been very enjoyable. New experiences for me were becoming more independent and using lockers for organisation. Do not be afraid of starting our school because myself and a lot of other girls think it is amazing. I wish you all the best and hope that you enjoy WGHS."
Year 10 Student
"As the end of Year 9 was rapidly approaching, we had to make a choice about which options to take for GCSE in Year 10. We were all so happy that we would be able to drop the subjects we didn’t particularly enjoy and only carry forward the ones we had a strength in and were good at. We were all very excited for this new step however we knew that we would have to be organised and be prepared as this would be a big step up from Key Stage 3 work. We couldn’t wait to mix with other people from different forms, many of who we hadn’t had lessons with before and we couldn’t wait for the new experiences that this would bring."
"Many people in the school told us how we would be overloaded with work, however as long as you manage it properly and don’t leave it all to the night before it is fine, just like in the lower years. Everything is still mostly the same, we have time to go to extracurricular activities and have free time in the evening. A thing that many of us were scared about was being split from our friends however, if anything it has in fact made us closer as we only see each other at lunch times therefore we have more to talk about when we do see each other!"
"Overall the start of Year 10 has been a great experience for all of us and as long as you keep on top of work, it will be for you too, later on in the year when our controlled assessments start it will be even more vital to stay on top of work as remember these go towards GCSE final marks!"
Year 13 Student
"Life in the Sixth Form at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School is a lot more relaxed and friendly, than in Lower School. As students are studying subjects that they have chosen to study, the classes are a lot more focused and the teaching becomes more individualised. Class sizes are also smaller than in GCSE subjects, but still large enough to allow for varied and challenging discussions within the lessons. Whilst we still have to learn the relevant material for the ever-present exams, the focus in lessons becomes much more personal. Discussions about our opinions and the question ‘why?’ allow both students and teachers to explore their subjects in more detail, increasing our knowledge base and understanding of the topics we are studying. Relationships with teachers also become more relaxed, with teachers and students frequently meeting outside of lesson time to discuss topics that were not understood or for additional help with a hard piece of work. The support of the teachers becomes even more apparent at A-level than perhaps had been perceived lower down in the school, sometimes going beyond the subject itself and instead talking about options for further study of the subject after Girls’ High."
"As the older members of the school, we assist the teachers in passing on this knowledge to students lower down in the school, through our roles as mentors and in some cases, prefects. Teachers often ask sixth form students to talk to lower school students about their experiences, especially during the period of GCSE and A-level choices. Having been at the school for several years, many of us have formed close bonds with students in years 7-11, providing them with an alternative person to talk to should they have any concerns. As sixth form students, we become role models for everyone and ambassadors for the school, as our roles take us further into the community of Wolverhampton, engaging other people in our activities.Prefects in particular serve as a vital link between the students, staff and wider community. House captains get involved in rallying house spirit, sports, music and debating captains facilitate growth and encourage involvement within their disciplines and the Head Girl acts as the voice of the students. All in all, these opportunities allow us as sixth form students to grow and develop in leadership roles as we find out what paths we wish to follow in the future, as well as providing opportunities for students to explore other avenues and experiences, that will support our applications for further education"
"We have 6x50minute periods of each of the 4 subjects we choose, leaving many students with free time in the week to complete enrichment activities, which also help to enhance our further educations choices and applications . The staff are especially supportive in helping to arrange and organise a wide variety of enrichment activities for students, ranging from first aid, sign language, university master classes and taster sessions, the option to study a new language and work experience. Whatever your interests, Girls’ High supports whatever decisions you as an individual make whilst studying in the Sixth Form."
Senior Prefect Team Student
"Being on the senior prefect team here at WGHS is much more than wearing a badge. Over the past six years we have experienced an incredibly organised school. Now, in our final year, it’s our turn to do our bit. Each member of the senior prefect team had to go through a detailed application process and now has the support of our peers and teachers alike."
"There are various senior prefect teams ranging from Languages to Hospitality so as to encompass as many areas of school life as possible to aid the staff in the smooth running of special events and day-to-day activities. During our time at Girls’ High we have all developed skills in organisation, management and delegation and it is these skills which we will put into practice over our time as senior prefects. Each team has a number of senior prefects who are assisted by a larger number of prefects – everyone in the year has the chance to be a prefect. In addition to general skills, senior prefects are placed into teams depending on their specific skill sets. For example, our Sports senior prefects are all committed members of various teams whilst our Charity senior prefects have experience in running important charity events both in and outside of school. Overseeing the rest of the senior prefect teams is the Senior Team consisting of the Head Girl and three Deputies. Their jobs are wide ranging and include speeches and organising aspects of the sixth form such as prom and the common room . The Senior Team also organise the school council and this is one of the many ways in which the prefects provide a link between the teachers and pupils of the school. By our final year, we have developed a positive relationship with both the younger years and the staff and this connection plays an integral role in the running of the school. Sixth formers are an accessible point of reference for girls of all ages and this trust is created in part by the sixth form’s on-going role as peer mentors. House Captains are also an important link between the sixth form and the lower school as they strive to get as many people involved in the various exciting house events which take place throughout the year."
"Ultimately, the senior prefect team is here to help. We are all passionate about the school and want to maintain and build upon the family atmosphere which is so central to our school’s ethos. Whether our job involves running a weekly club, giving a speech or serving drinks at school events we are all extremely dedicated and look forward to giving back to the school what it has given to us over the last six years."
Olivia (Head Girl 2013)
Lunchtime & School Activities
For those who enjoy the arts, there is a wealth of opportunities here at Wolverhampton Girls’ High School. From beginner to diploma-standard, all girls can opt to take weekly instrumental lessons and have the opportunity to take grade exams in school. The music extracurricular timetable includes Senior Choir, auditioned Vocal Ensemble, student-led Gospel Choir and Rock and Pop, Concert Band, String Orchestra and Jazz Band. All of these groups are offered multiple opportunities to perform throughout the year, at a range of occasions, including concerts, productions, assemblies, prize-givings and out-of-school events, all of which also allow girls to exhibit their skills as solo performers. The school Christmas concerts, Punch and Carols, are a firm favourite among students, staff and parents alike. The annual Music Award Ceremony recognises the musical talent in the school as girls receive their grade certificates, a select few are honoured with special music awards for commitment to the department and high-scorers perform.
No overview of the arts at WGHS would be complete without mentioning House Arts. This inter-house competition sees each house, directed by year 13s, contend for prizes in music, dance, drama and tech all in one morning and is probably the most fiercely contested and most talked-about event of the year.
Other opportunities in drama come in the form of Junior and Senior Drama. The performances are either a play or a musical and welcomes all girls, not only in an acting capacity: it always requires assistant directors, stage managers, wardrobe mistresses, a tech team and a whole host of other backstage roles.
Debating is also very strong at WGHS. Clubs meet weekly in order for members to practise their skills and to prepare for competitions, which are both in and out of school. Internally, Senior Debating is an inter-house competition held every year for years 11-13, which is often judged by an external adjudicator. The whole of the upper school watches, asks questions, votes and generally gets into the spirit of the event. Senior Debating’s lower school counterpart, Junior Debating, is for years 7-10 but participants are coached by year 13s. When it comes to external competitions, the school has a very strong track record.
Wolverhampton Girls’ High School has a thriving sports department that caters for the needs of every student, whether they be the next Jessica Ennis, or just want to keep fit. We have a wide range of clubs for all ages and abilities. In addition, clubs are held at various times in the day, literally morning, noon and night! From Fun Fit before school, to netball at lunchtime and kickboxing after school, there truly is something for everyone! The PE department is dedicated to ensuring everyone achieves their personal best and school’s success in city and county competitions is testament to their commitment.
Every pupil also has the opportunity to get involved in house sports events. Whether your favourite sport is netball, hockey, tennis, badminton rounders, or all of the above you can get your house colours on and try to put your house name engraved on the trophy.
In Year 12, students also have the option of partaking in Community Sports Leadership Award in their enrichment time. This qualification involves teaching primary school students basic skills in sport as well as organising games. Last year’s team also had the privilege of helping organise the Summer Sports Day to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.