Curriculum Leader:
Mrs R Brett
Department Introduction:
The Careers programme aims to provide information about career opportunities, help develop powers of self-awareness so students can make the appropriate career choices, develop skills to cope successfully in an adult environment and to develop an understanding of the world of work. Advice is given on the selection of GCSE subject options, A-Level choices and transition to higher education/apprenticeships. Students receive face-to-face Careers advice at KS4 and there are opportunities for practical, hands-on work experience in Years 10 and 12. Drop-in sessions and one-to-one interviews are available throughout the year. Whole Year Careers Events are arranged at various points in the school calendar.
Department Aims:
The Careers programme is delivered as part of the PSHCE curriculum and through events organised for students throughout the year. The school aims to help the students experience the world of work and to give them guidance on how to reach their career goals. Additionally, general guidance and resources are accessible in the school library. Subject staff will also be promoting careers related to their areas during lesson time.
Key Stage 3:
Careers Education and Guidance begins in Year 7 as part of the PSHCE curriculum when students consider their achievements, qualities, aptitudes and activities. They challenge job stereotypes related to gender and develop their enterprise skills by planning an event.
In Year 8, students are made aware of how the world of work is changing and the skills that promote employability. They undertake research into local labour market to establish how their skills match the employment opportunities.
Year 9 is a time when students begin to think about aspirations and plans for the future. Short-term and long-term plans are made as part of the programme for choosing KS4 options, students also undertake virtual work experiance.
An options choice evening is held for Year 9 students and their parents where choices are explained, and staff are available for discussion.
Key Stage 4:
During Year 10 & 11 students look at employability skills and their rights/responsibilities as an employee. They learn how to interpret pay slips and the role that trade unions play in the workplace. In addition, students look at how to choose their A Levels as well as develop key skills such as filling in job applications and writing covering letters. They each have an interview with the school Careers Advisor and are given information relating to their areas of interest. Guidance interviews with members of staff, an Options evening and Parents’ evening help them to prepare for their Year 12 Option Choices.
Careers Events are arranged for KS4 where students have an opportunity to take part in a mock interview to receive feedback on how they come across in an interview situation.
Key Stage 5:
In KS5 students are given information about Higher Education and Careers opportunities throughout the year. The careers advisor is available for discussion of opportunities available. A Higher Education Fair is held in Spring of Year 12 when representatives from a variety of Universities, Apprenticeship providers and Professions attend. Past students also attend this event and talk about their experience of H. E. and the world of work. Year 12 students are encouraged to undertake Work Experience.
The Year 12 Career Event introduces students to a range of employers from a wide variety of professions.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
Students take part in a Careers event each academic year where they experience a meaningful encounter with a range of employers.